- ‘Antidepressants’
- ‘What Has Helped’
- A Biblical Reflection on Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) | Kenneth Lo
- A Christian understanding of myself as a child of divorce. The loss and recovery of my being | Kenneth Lo
- A Personal Reflection on Eating Disorder
- Abortion
- About DBC
- Abuse
- Addiction
- Alcohol
- Alzheimer & Dementia
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Anxiety: An Introduction
- Anxious Amy
- Asperger Syndrome
- Behind the Numbers: Covid-19’s Loss & Grief
- Biblical Counselling
- Biblical Counselling Hands-on
- Biblical Counselling in the Local Church
- Bipolar Disorder
- Burnout in Ministry
- Busyness
- Cancer
- Case Scenario: Joseph
- Case Scenario: Simon
- Case Studies
- Case Studies
- CCEF/Powlison/Lane-Tripp’s “3 Trees Model”
- CGL 2023 Pastoral Spotlight: Anxiety
- CGL Training July2020: Interpersonal Word Ministry (IWM)
- Chapter 1: The Birth of a Biblical Counselling Movement and the Need for Growth
- Chapter 2-6 Conclusions
- Child Abuse
- Christian Parenting
- Chronic Pain
- Church Community
- Common Afflictions
- Common Life Issues
- Conflict
- Conversational Goals
- Counselling in the Local church (For Pastors)
- COVID-19
- Covid-19 Impact: Uncertainty, Anxiety, Fear
- Dangers of Pastoral Ministry
- Dating
- Death of unbelieving loved ones
- Depression
- Depression in Full-Time Ministry
- Depression Sufferers’ Testimonies
- Depression Webinar 2-4
- Devotion on 1Kings 19:4-16 | Delwyn Goh
- Divorce & Remarriage
- Divorced Parents
- Doubt
- Eating Disorder
- Establishing Biblical Counselling in TCC & Beyond
- ETCA: CM9 & GM2g
- Every Christian Counsels
- Excerpt from: ‘When Darkness Seems My Closest Friend’
- Extramarital Sex
- Family
- Family System Theory
- Fear
- Finance & Security
- First Year Ministry
- First Year Session Three: Know in order to Change Myself, Not My Spouse.
- Forgiveness
- Forum
- Forum
- Fostering
- Friendship
- Funerals
- Further Resources on Conflicts
- G360 Biblical Counseling Module (2020)
- G360 Biblical Counseling Module (2022)
- G360 Biblical Counselling Module
- G360 Biblical Counselling Module (2024)
- Gambling
- Getting care, in church community – when it gets difficult | Delwyn Goh
- Grief & Lament
- Guilt
- Honouring Parents
- Hospital Visits
- Idolatory
- If You Are Family or Friend.
- Infertility
- Infidelity
- Intervention
- Intimacy
- Introducing CCEF in TCC
- Look biblically beyond the mental illness, and see that we all are insanely mad | Jiawen
- Manipulation
- Marital Abuse
- Marital Conflict
- Marriage
- Marriage Building
- Marriage Counseling Tools
- Marriage Ministry Resources Compilation
- Medication
- Mental Health News
- Miscarriage
- More CCEF & BCA Publications
- More COVID & James Reflection | Kenneth Lo
- More Mainstream Media
- More Videos on Depression
- Neuroscience
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
- One Student’s Testimony
- Online Gaming
- Parental Conflicts
- Pastoral Ministry
- Postnatal Depression
- Pre-marital Sex
- Resources on Anxiety
- Role of medical treatment, secular counselling, biblical counselling in depression/anxiety | Delwyn Goh
- Sanctification
- Schizophrenia
- Schizophrenia & Psychosis
- Secular vs Biblical Counselling
- Seeing With New Eyes: Conclusion. Toward Simplicity
- Seeing With New Eyes: Intro to Part 1: Scripture Opens Blind Eyes
- Seeing with New Eyes: Introduction. The Gaze of God
- Seeing with New Eyes: Preface
- Seeing With New Eyes. Intro to Part 2: Reinterpreting Life
- Self-harm
- Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Addiction
- Sexual Intimacy
- SG Contacts
- Shame
- Side By Side: Walking with Others in Wisdom & Love
- Singaporean Culture
- Singleness
- Sonship
- Speaking Truth in Love: Intro to Part 1
- Speaking Truth in Love: Intro to Part 2
- Speaking Truth in Love: Preface
- Specific Conditions
- Spiritual Abuse: Abusive Leaders & Churches
- ST: Anxiety and worry amid Covid19 uncertainty (5April)
- ST: Is my anxiety normal? (13April)
- Stress, Anxiety, Worry
- Suffering and Psalm 119
- Suicide
- Suicide Assessment Questions
- Supporting Caregivers
- TCC Deacons ‘First-Aid’ Training Resources Compilation
- TCC Ministries
- TCC Post-MPW Foundational Course
- TCC Webinar 1: Introduction to Depression
- TCC Webinar 2: Walking as Depressed
- The Crossing Church
- Training
- Understand Anxiety: Biblically
- Understand Anxiety: From Others’ Experience of it
- Understand Anxiety: From Our Personal Experience of it
- Understand Anxiety: God’s Word Applied (Theory into Practice)
- Victimised
- Voyeurism
- Walking with the Anxious
- Walking with the Anxious: FAQ
- Webinar 3: Walking WITH the Depressed
- Week 1 Class Outline
- Week 1 Whiteboard
- Week 2 Class Outline
- Week 2 Three Tree Diagram: Kenneth
- Week 3 Class Outline
- Welch’s ‘Looking UP from the Stubborn Darkness’ | Kenneth Lo
- What is Biblical Counselling
- Who to counsel? When? Where?
- Work Choices
- Workshop Materials
- You Are Special: A Story For Everyone|Lucado
- Youth & Depression
- ZoomCast: Walking with the Depressed.